The SomnoMed Snoring Mouth Guard

The SomnoMed Snoring Mouth Guard

Countless people think snoring is normal. However, dental professionals proved and verified that it’s not.

Loud snoring is a sign of sleep apnea. This common sleep disorder means stopping your breathing while you are asleep. Individuals who are suffering from sleep apnea usually experience pausing of breath 30 times or more for several seconds or worse, minutes. As outlined by research, sleep apnea is an ongoing condition. This chronic disorder can disturb your sleep. As a result, it makes you tired during the daytime.

Fortunately, this sleep disorder is treatable now. Thanks to SomnoMed snoring mouth piece.

The SomnoMed snoring mouth guard prevents or averts loud snoring at night. The device started during 2004, helping countless individuals against sleep apnea and snoring problems. No wonder why it is the primary treatment against sleep disorder. Based on analysis, SomnoMed comes from a mouthpiece technology. Dentists called this mouthpiece technology as SomnoDent® Mandibular Advancement Splint, or SomnoDent MAS.

The SomnoMed snoring dental device is a work-of-art of professional oral surgeons. It follows a process in which your mouth isn’t disturbed by loud snoring. It also doesn’t disturb your mouth’s normal opening and closing; thus, it offers maximum comfort regardless if you yawn or speak while wearing it.

The SomnoMed mouthpiece comes with three different models, including:

SomnoDent MAS/Flex is an innovative dental appliance that comes from unique and soft polymer. It offers maximum support and comfort which helps you fight and solve sleep apnea. Somnodent MAS/Flex can live up to 5 years. It has a one-year warranty purpose for product defects or breakage.

SomnoDent MAS Acrylic is an affordable mouthpiece. This is perfect for those who love cheap but quality-based mouth guard. The SomnoDent MAS Acrylic promotes comfort. Just like the previous model, this has one-year warranty purposely for any possible defects.

SomnoDent MAS Edentulous is available in two types: acrylic or soft polymer/SMH BFlex. This is suitable for individuals with no upper teeth. Similar with other types of SomnoMed, this model comes with a warranty should you wear a defective material.

This  is not really familiar to some doctors. Nonetheless, you can always ask a dentist about this dental material. Regardless of what model you choose, all these can solve sleep apnea. Just be sure that your selected dentist is credible and legit to deliver this mouthpiece to you.

Aside from educating you about SomnoMed, your dentist will teach you about dental care. To learn more, find a dentist in LA first.

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