Unexpected Causes of Tooth Damage

Our smiles are definitely one of the most attractive and best ways to show our personality and emotions. Most people put off much effort in taking care of their oral and dental health to avoid dental issues and maintain the nice appearance of their teeth. Some would even go beyond their daily regimens and have dental cosmetic treatments to enhance their smiles.Damaged Tooth

People already know that sugary foods should be avoided as it prompts bacterial growth and increases the risk of gum disease. Apart from the usual warnings, people have no clue of other things that contribute to dental problems. There are times that the things that we do or considered as the norm can harm and damage our teeth. We unconsciously put our dental and oral health at risk by simple foods and habits. Here are some unusual ways and practices that damage our teeth.

Teeth bleaching. It is quite hard to believe that making your teeth look brighter could actually damage your teeth. Over bleaching and over whitening with the use of over-the-counter kits that you use at home damages the integrity of your tooth’s enamel. Enamel erosion makes your tooth more sensitive to cold and hot foods. This is one of the few things that people think would be great for their teeth but turns out to be damaging. It’s best to consult your dentist before trying out these kits and be guided according to your current dental health status.

Tongue posture. Many people do not know this but your tongue’s position can affect your dental and oral health. People who are used to or habitually clench and grind their teeth often lose their tooth structure; have cracked tooth, and broken teeth. The best way to address this is to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth. When you rest your tongue properly, you can help relax your jaw and make you clench less.

Using toothpicks. We often utilize toothpicks after we eat to make sure that food particles stuck in between the teeth gets pulled out. This isn’t a bad idea when dealing with large particles and if done occasionally. Toothpicks become damaging to your teeth when used with extreme force that it actually punctures the gums. They should never be used in place of dental floss and soft-bristled toothbrushes. The spaces between your teeth can get infections with the splinters you might get. This damages your gums and can put you at risk of gum disease and in severe cases tooth decay.

These unusual causes and their effects like tooth decay, gum disease and other dental health problems are highly avoidable. Learning new things about what seemed to be the norm can make you see dental health differently.

You should always exercise good dental hygiene regimen. Plus to get a better understanding on your dental health, consult a dentist or get information straight from the source. Building a relationship with your dentist is also important. This promotes comfortable experience in a clinic, wherein a patient can freely ask questions and erase doubts.

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